The trends in office design have experienced a great evolution in recent years. Work spaces have had to progressively adapt to accommodate new technologies, each time with a greater presence, while at the same time improving the spaces and environments to favour efficiency, productivity and communication among employees.
All these changes are being carried out thanks to the importance of being up to date with the latest trends and using decoration to create an environment that is at the same time pleasant for the workers, useful for work and aesthetically attractive.
In too many offices, furniture is arranged in such a way that it almost takes an acrobat to navigate the room. Analyse the configuration of your workplace, and reorganize the items in order to make it easy to move around and access different areas. That creates comfort and efficiency, so here are some ways to improve functionality in the office.
Equip your space well
Do you have a place to leave the items that come from outside the office when you get to work? You should, otherwise you are going to put them on your desk and they will make you uncomfortable. Remember that today with the Data Protection Law there is a lot of confidential information and so it is vital to look at cyber protection for your files, rather than keeping paper copies.
Hide the printers to save space
Don’t leave the printer on your desk. Try to put it in a separate place. Yes, that means you will have to get up to pick up the prints, but that’s good. Sitting for long periods is not ideal for your health. And if you work with several people, it is much better to have a good network printer than to have small printers on each desk.
Think about comfort and ergonomics
Look up tips on the internet in order to set up your workstation ergonomically. You spend many hours in the office, and it is important that you take care of your health. Also, try to position your chair in such a way that you can rest your eyes away from the computer from time to time, looking at a medium distance. That is why it is not recommended to place a desk in front of a wall, unless you have a window from which to observe the horizon. Also consider good air conditioning for your office. Take a look at for further inspiration.
Invest in a good work chair
Most of us spend many hours of the working day sitting down, which is why you should consider investing in a good chair. Ensure that it has the right quality, structure and materials to benefit your posture, and not cause any discomfort or be harmful in the long term. On the other hand, if you work in an office, it is different.
Your workspace probably has conditions such as light, air conditioning or noise that cannot be controlled and that can be more difficult to modify. However, the chair or the work table are essential elements that must meet the ideal conditions in order to benefit the productivity and comfort of the worker – being as ergonomic as possible, without neglecting aesthetics.