Few years ago, change in SEO was nothing more than adding some meta keywords. The websites then gave no attention to optimization of search engines. But when it comes to the present era, it’s a world totally dependent on internet and its components. The face of SEO is gradually changed with time. SEO is a skill, an art that improves a search engine like anything. See Google, a universal example of how to optimize a search engine. Nowadays, according to statistics, 90% of the people look towards Google when it comes to searching about any random topic.
In mere past, like in a year or two, search engines have been optimized in such a fashion that it will help the public to search their keywords in a much faster speed and giving much more to the point search results. Let’s get more particular in this topic. Here is some point wise explanation on the continuous dynamic changes in the SEO market.
Google search and its new algorithm
In the past, the main target of Google was to serve good to the net-people. But with time, Google changed its way of entrepreneurship by making its search engine a mere ‘business’ and in 2012 Google has implemented some drastic changes on website trafficking. Literally, from day one Google was at the helm of SEO with its unparallel transparency with its webmasters blog.
Nowadays, people in order to gain knowledge; they search whatever they are unaware about in different search engines. Knowing that Google decided to give a lot more stress on optimization and marketing aspect in a search engine. In 2011, Google has brought a lot of changes to this SEO concept, creating virtual problems for many online businesses and marketing people.
The ‘Panda’ was a first attempt towards vamping the pathway search engines tag websites. The advent of Google+ also brought a massive change in the SEO and the marketing world. It allows people to articulate their ideas and views in so called ‘esteemed websites’.
Continuous change in SEO is gradually leaving the online marketers a big challenge to face off, though Google left no one in dark in his new algorithm.
The new generation websites and its search engine optimizers
There are many new generations’ web designers who are very well acquainted with SEO. They frame the SEO keeping in mind various pros and cons, so that end result of it is a gross mixture of beauty and effective operation. Like the Bing search in recent times has captured almost 30% of the share market in USA, leaving the rest 70% to Google and others. So this is the end result of the quality searches with logical output.
It will be seen in coming days that all the website designers and the search engine optimizers will work together harmoniously. This process has already started and will get better day by day. It is actually very evident by seeing the online market, business and its branches and the search engine results which are getting much relevant than it was before.
Depicting the relevance in construction of multi-storied flats, the SEO’s are developing itself in a very rapid manner but in a very planned and logical way. Competition in the online business market and the ad market is provoking the search engines to change itself with the flow. Updated tags, user-friendly website designing and most importantly pertinent search results are helping companies like Google, Bing to massively change the way net-users used to look towards search engines, even 3 years back!
About the author: Alyssa Clarke is a blogger who is also happens to be tech freak. She has a fetisg for designer tech accessories and most expensive cars in the world. Her favorites have always been BMW cars and she dreams of owing one soon.