Birth of a new Social Inbox is imminent. In the most radical future, content will start to appear on a new type of aggregation webpage that resembles email, blog posts, newspapers, social messages and rss feeds. Vendors like Friendfeed will aggregate public and some private data, expect Facebook and Google to present unique new experiences we’ve not seen yet. As people interact socially with others on the internet, expect social networks to aggregate the colonization creating a new type of ‘Social Inbox’ . Expect to see Microsoft Live, Yahoo Mail, Gmail start to merge with social networks, birthing a new type of communication and collaboration platform.
Why does this matter? because fragments of the corporate websites will be aggregated into these platforms, in a social context. Both the consumer and corporate bodies will find it very useful and relevant. Your email will not only be what you see now but will be something new. Messaging is about to change and you have to be ready for it. Google recently tested the ” priority inbox”. You may have tried it, but there is more to come. Google will give you a new mail soon. Microsoft has also been trying to merge a lot their products and you will not be left out if you are a Microsoft fun.
Email is a pre-requistite to register for public social platforms like Facebook, Yelp, and Twitter. Messages that you receive in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn often end up in your email stream. Email portals are already developing social features around them. Yahoo is on to a social twist to their site. The Yahoo homepage has begun the change