startup resources around the web this week. Weekends are best for catching up on what you missed in the week when you are relaxing or taking a break and preparing for next week. We have put together some of the most popular and shared startup resources on starting a business, marketing your business, planning your business for growth and managing business successfully. You can bookmark for reference or share with an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur you know.
This post is meant to keep you updated with all the startup resources you may have missed this week. We want to keep you updated on all the5 Ways Social Media Will Change The Way You Work in 2013
In the nine short years since Mark Zuckerberg launched, social media has evolved from dorm room toy to boardroom tool. Last year, 73 percent of Fortune 500 companies were active on Twitter, while more than 80 percent of executives believed social media engagement led to increased sales.
10 SEO & Social Lessons from the Election
Presidential campaigns are massive marketing phenomena. An inevitable bit of fallout from every national election is the publication of hundreds or thousands of blog posts entitled “Lessons from the Election.” Whether they are discussions of how Obama embraced social media this time around, or how Nate Silver’s statistical method
Pinterest Business Accounts: The Definitive Guide to Getting Started
Pinterest has given businesses the ability to create business-specific accounts. Now is the time to stop thinking about Pinterest as a personal playground for cooks and fashion lovers. Pinterest should be an important part of your B2B or B2C social media marketing strategy.
5 Ways to Succeed in Any Economy
The more difficult the economy, the greater the opportunities — but only for those who are strong, well-prepared and persistent. Many people are fixated by national or even global economic doom and gloom. Many wait for a magic fix, only to realize it will never come.
Managing difficult conversations
We’ve all had difficult conversations, often with difficult people. How do you improve the process and outcome of challenging discussions? I recently spoke with Erica Ariel Fox, lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, and member of the internationally acclaimed Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (PON),..
How To Create an Insanely Great Investor Pitch
Pitching is crucial if you have to get past the funding barrier. Even if you do not need funding and are bootstrapping, you may still need to pitch your idea to potential …
25 Awesome Innovation Quotes
Nothing works better changing a mindset than a great quote. Here you find 25 of my personal favorites on innovation: Nothing is stronger than habit. [Ovid], If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. [Albert Einstein]
The Future Of Mobile
The growth of the digital industry over the next few years will continue to be all about mobile. Last year, the number of smartphones sold blew past the number of PCs sold. This year, there will be at least twice smartphones sold as PCs sold. Tablet sales, meanwhile, are growing even faster than smartphone sales. And PC sales are actually shrinking.
10 Keys to Successful Entrepreneur Relationships
Most people think innovation is all about ideas, when in fact it is more about delivery, people, and process. Entrepreneurs looking to innovate need to understand the execution challenge if they expect their startup to carve out a profitable niche in the marketplace, and keep innovating to build and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.
2013 Outlook: 7 Bold Prediction From the World’s Top VCs
A year ago, few would have predicted that a pre-revenue company could have been acquired for a $1 billion, or that start-ups in the middle of the country would have access to Internet 100 times faster than the rest of the country, or that, Groupon, once the world’s fastest-growing company with the highest valued tech IPO..
5 Reasons Leadership Falls Flat
You can read a dozen books on leadership and attend just as many leadership seminars, but your employees won’t follow your lead if you make any of these five common errors: Trying to lead before establishing credibility. People will only follow you if they believe that you know what you’re doing.
What we’ll see in 2013 in cloud computing
The cloud has moved from concept to reality. Sure, startups have been buying computing and storage on demand for years, while enterprises talked up virtualization and hoped it was the same thing. But now big companies are finally getting this whole on-demand compute thing, and the next year we’ll see big IT…
8 Essential Steps to Getting Hired by a Small Business
Want to land a job at a small business or a startup? Many job seekers do: In the average small business there’s usually less bureaucracy, greater opportunities to step outside defined roles… and if you someday hope to own your own business, a look behind the scenes at some of the realities of entrepreneurship.
Three Laws Of Startup Success
Starting a business is much like climbing a tree, you must start at the bottom and it’s very likely you may fall a few times before you get to the top. The simple fact is that you will make mistakes. However, the way that you handle these mistakes is usually a clear indication..
4 Best Practices for Digital Marketers in 2013
Another year, another attempt to predict the future. If 2012 was the year of Korean dance videos, citizen curation and Superstorm Sandy, who can possibly tell what 2013 might bring? It’s exciting to think that a year from now we’ll be buzzing about all new startups, fresh apps to obsess over and maybe even a new device or two we can’t imagine ever having lived without.