Facebook currently offers brands and merchants the powerful opportunity to exist in the same social space in which their customers are interacting with family, friends and social groups.
Social commerce gaining grounds and will continue to gain roots in 2011. Paypal has already released its Facebook app to allow users make payments right within Facebook.- $650,000,000: The drop in Netflix share value when Warner opened up a Facebook movie rental (streaming) service in 2011.
- 5000+: customers using Walmart’s group-buy Facebook app on the day of its launch.
- 67% of retailers plan to use Facebook to drive traffic to their e-commerce sites.
- Over 700 billion: Minutes spent on Facebook every month
- 80: Average community pages, groups and events to which a Facebook user is connected.
- 57.1%: Proportion of Internet US users using Facebook
- 75%: Percentage of Facebook users who have “liked” a brand
- 30bn+: pieces of content shared online every month by Facebook users (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.)
- 30% to 200%: increase in site registrations for sites using Facebook sign on
- 76%: percentage of retailers who plan to use Facebook for ‘social commerce’ initiatives
- 2.5 million+: websites have now integrated with Facebook
- 7 out of 10: proportion of digital marketers who have implemented or planning to implement Facebook Like feature
- 44%: proportion of retailers who plan to use Facebook application in place of microsites for product launches and promotions
- 117%: the additional amount a fan will spend on a brand compared to a non fan
- 51%: the increase in likelihood a customer will purchase, after clicking the ‘like’ button
- 50,000: Number of retailers who have opened an f-store with Payvment
- 40%: Proportion who ‘Like’ businesses in order to receive special discounts and promotions
- 70%: proportion of Facebook users who engage with Facebook applications
David Fisch, Director of Business Development at Facebook, has once said that “the storefronts are really only one piece, and really a pretty small piece, of the burgeoning area of social commerce. Our interest isn’t in getting people to create tabs where people can shop but allowing consumers to shop wherever they are and helping them discover products through their friends.”
Data courtesy socialcommercetoday.com